[Insert Blog Post Here]

I should be here writing a blog post. In fact, you probably think I am. And maybe I am, just a little bit. But the fact of the matter is that I’m sick, I don’t feel like writing a blog post, and I’m more than a little caught up in the novella I’m finishing off this week (hopefully), not to mention the novella I’m plotting.

Happily, I have the good fortune of blogging to an audience of both readers and writers, who have great imaginations. So please, imagine a fantastic, thought-provoking blog post here. Shade it with all the colours of the imagination, and admire the careful strokes of its immense profundity.

Thank you.

Now I can get back to Markon and Althea, and that dashing and perennially shirtless fae, Carmine. You’ll thank me later.

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my mailing list, you really should. I’m doing a cover reveal for TWELVE DAYS OF FAERY in the latest edition, and you’ll otherwise have to wait another week or two -gasp!- to see it in all its beauteousity.

Spindle’s Publication Day Is Here!

Spindle has been released into the wild!

SPINDLE - 2000Aka, it’s publication day, I’m excited, and EVERYONE SHOULD BE EXCITED. As such, I apologise if my Facebook and/or Twitter accounts become overly repetitive. If you’ve been eagerly waiting to buy Spindle on publication day (and I just know that you have), here are the links:

AmazonKobo, iBooksSmashwords, and Createspace.

Of course, if you sign up to my mailing list, that’s a whole ‘nother rodeo. Those on my mailing list will be able to download Spindle at 50% off from Smashwords. Plus get access to other awesome freebies as they become available, so…what are you waiting for? Sign up here!

And in the meantime, here’s an excerpt from Spindle to whet your appetite!


“Well now,” said a soft, amused voice beside Poly. “Something seems to have annoyed Luck. I wonder what that can be?”

The younger of the two men had strolled away from Luck and was now standing beside her. Poly turned her head in what she hoped was a stately manner and took in the faintly challenging hazel eyes that glinted at her above a thin, sarcastic mouth.

“I can see why Luck likes you so much,” said that sarcastic mouth. It wasn’t said sarcastically, however: unless Poly was very much mistaken, those hazel eyes were looking her over with distinct appreciation.

“I’m Melchior,” he said. “That’s Pettis: he and Luck will talk for hours if left alone. Foolish of him, I think, when he could be whispering in your ear. You do speak, don’t you?”

“You’re very forward, sirrah,” said Poly. She was pleased to hear that her voice sounded thoughtful and quite cool. “Why are you addressing me?”

“Four reasons,” said Melchior. “One, I have a great interest in the Sleeping Princess. You’re something of a hobby of mine. Two, your hair is delightfully unusual. Those are spells, I take it? May I touch your hair?”

“Of course not!” said Poly, ruining her aloof tone of voice with an unfortunate squeak.

Melchior’s eyes lit with wicked amusement. “Three, you’re quite obviously an enchantress of some power; and four, well, I haven’t seen anything quite like this before.”

He was holding her gloved hand in his own, and before Poly quite knew what was happening he had kissed her fingers lightly.

“Stop that!” hissed Poly, her eyes flying to Luck. He hadn’t noticed, still deep in his conversation with Pettis, and Poly wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or relieved.

“Why? Because Luck isn’t intelligent enough to do it?” This time there was certainly a sardonic edge to Melchior’s voice. “You must have so many questions, princess: I’m certain that Luck hasn’t answered them all. Allow me to be of service.”

“He warned me about you,” Poly said bluntly. She was rewarded by a lightning-fast grin from Melchior, and was a little annoyed to find that she felt rewarded.

“Did he so! Clever Luck. Me in particular?”

“Not in particular, no. He did warn me against accepting any gifts, agreeing to any arrangements or allowing people to touch me, though.”

One of Melchior’s hands spread wide, indicating innocence, but the other didn’t release Poly’s gloved hand. Poly saw a brief glint of magic obscure his hazel eyes like the flash of light across glass, and knew that he was studying her antimagic hand. The magic was obsidian black, but it didn’t frighten her.

“No hidden costs, princess. Ask, and I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”


Well, I hope you enjoyed that excerpt of Spindle! Now go out and buy it. Go on. Shoo.

A Brief Reminder

Just a brief reminder, gentle readers, that those of you who join my mailing list from now until August 1st will receive a Smashwords Coupon for 100% off my first book, Masque. The coupon expires August 4th, so you have until then to sign up and download your free copy!

Join W.R. Gingell’s Mailing List!

To those already signed and (hopefully!) enjoying Masque– you’re fantastic! This is just the first of many freebies, sneak-peaks, and/or brilliant stuff from my brilliant (and oh-so-modest) mind. I look forward to sending that monthly newsletter to each and every one of you!

* * *

Beauty met the Beast, and there was . . . bloody murder?

It’s the Annual Ambassadorial Ball in Glause, and Lady Isabella Farrah, the daughter of New Civet’s Ambassador, is feeling pleasantly scintillated.

MASQUE - 2000In the library is Lord Pecus, a charming gentleman whose double mask hides a beastly face, and who has decided that Isabella is the very person to break the Pecus curse.

In the ball-room is young Lord Topher, who is rapidly falling in love with an older woman.

And in the card-room, lying in a pool of his own blood, is the body of one of Isabella’s oldest friends: Raoul, Civet’s Head Guardsman. The papers sewn into his sash seem to suggest espionage gone wrong, but Isabella is not so certain. Lord Pecus, as Commander of the Watch, is of the opinion that Isabella should keep out of the investigation and out of danger.  Isabella is of the opinion that it is her murder to investigate, and that what a certain Beast-Lord doesn’t know won’t hurt him. . .

Will Isabella find the murderer before Lord Pecus does, or will she end her investigation as a bloody spatter on the parlour floor?

Actors I Would Choose To Play My Favourite Book Characters

My mind works in odd ways- quite often particularly in comparisons and matching pairs. Mostly this involves spouting movie and book quotes at inappropriate moments because they’re so very, VERY applicable to the situation. But sometimes it involves watching movies and tv shows and scaring the dog by shouting: “Ha! S/he’d be perfect for [John/Jill Character] in [AwesomeBook]!”

One of my favourites is Benton Fraser from the Candian Show Due South. He’s a mountie (obviously) who thinks that the reason young street thugs are criminals is because they have “never been shown the rewards of a honest day’s work”.


When I started watching this show (and you should watch it, too, it is fantastic) the only thing I could think for several episodes was: “It’s Captain Carrot! It’s the quintessential Captain Carrot!” For those of you who aren’t (yet) fans of the late and great Sir Terry Pratchett, Captain Carrot is one of AnkMorpork’s City Watch, under the command of Sam Vimes. He is upright and kind and good and perhaps just a little bit stupid. But not as stupid as all that, and certainly no pushover. He believes so utterly in people that sometimes the sheer force of his belief causes them to act in the right way. He’s a wonderful character. He and Benton are brothers in arms, and if I could pick an actor to play Captain Carrot, I would pick Paul Gross. Canadian accent and all.

And speaking of Terry Pratchett’s characters, I’ve always been a bit annoyed at the actor they chose to play Rhincewind in film/tv. Because I would have chosen this guy: balfour

He’s got the long, weird face and big nose that I’ve always pictured Rhincewind with, not to mention the long, gangly limbs I’ve always thought necessary to the part. I’ve never thought of Rhincewind as being old. Long hair, scrubby mustache, robes, hat with ‘wizzard’ on it- yes. Old, no. So Vote #1 Eric Balfour For Rhincewind!

Of course, any list of actors I would choose to play favourite book characters wouldn’t be complete without one of Diana Wynne Jones’ characters in it.michael-fassbender-s-prometheus-robot-continues-his-alien-streak-f1

This particular one is from her A Tale Of Time City: an android called Elio. He is smooth and quiet and mostly emotionless, but he has a kind heart and a sneaking fondness for Vivian, Time City‘s young heroine. And there is a lot more going on under Elio’s smooth, pale surface than at first appears. He, of course, could only be played by Michael Fassbender.

I’ve even had this happen with characters in the books I write. I’ve had it happen for a few of them, but the most important one was when I first started writing Spindle, which is now on preorder for publication August 10th. The two main characters are Polyhemia – or Poly – a girl who is certainly not a princess, but who has been cursed to enchanted sleep just the same; and Luck, an absent-minded and long-lived enchanter, who has woken Poly.


At about the same time I wrote the First Ever Draft of Spindle, I was watching Supernatural (before it went all grand and huge and annoying). And at some stage through the series, Castiel came upon the scene.

I froze. Looked at the screen. Blinked. Did a double take. Stared at the screen again. But wait! That’s Luck! That’s him, to the very life! Even some of the mannerisms were right on. I knew right then that if Spindle ever became a movie (why yes, I do like my delusions thank you very much) I’d want Misha Collins to play Luck. Of course, he’d have to get rid of that pesky American accent, but he’s an actor, right?

What about you guys? Who are some of your favourite book characters, and who would you choose to play them if they were made into movies? And if you’re an author, who would you choose to play your characters?

‘Flu And The TBR Pile

Someone at the day job was kind enough to gift me with the ‘flu. I took it out and about with me yesterday in hopes of being able to regift it to someone else, but managed to return home with it in spite of myself. On the bright side, I did also return with medicine and a simply beautiful belated birthday present.

So today, with the exception of church, I’m staying home and coddling myself. I’ve got a couple of Richard Sibbes books for my Sunday reads (might even get back to Bunyan, if I get the time) and a nice warm cuppa, plus my trusty patchwork quilt wot me Ma made. Also, since Wolfskin is done and dusted (and available to buy as paperback and ebook) I have a greater amount of free time- which means my weekly TBR pile has again grown to a decent size.


Raising Steam is because- well, Terry Pratchett. What else? Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is because it sounded awfully interesting and it has a cover with one of my favourite actors on it. Backlash is because I’ll be doing another Favourite Authors post on Nicholas Fisk next week (plus I adore his books, and Backlash was one of the first I read and really loved) and Madeleine L’engle is there because this is one of hers that I haven’t read yet. Her A Wrinkle In Time is one of my all-time favourite sci-fi titles, and Charles Wallace and Meg are two of my all-time favourite characters, so I’m always willing to give her books a try. JRR Tolkien’s Children of Hurin is there, oddly enough,because someone gave it a negative review, and everything in that review reminded me of what I loved about Lord of the Rings, so I thought that there was a good chance I’d like this too. Also, I still have The Adventures of Tom Bombadil to read, even if it’s not on the pile.

What I’m not reading, but am looking forward to: A.F.E. Smith’s Darkhaven and Kate Stradling‘s newest book (which, alas, is probably still some time away.) Also the last Tiffany Aching book by Terry Pratchett, which will be published posthumously.

It won’t be all reading and cuppa tea-ing this week, of course. I’ve still got the tiniest bit of Spindle to finish, so there’s that: and since the first two new covers in my Time-Traveller’s Best Friend series are nearing completion, I’ve got to get cracking on the stories for Memento Mori also. Fortunately enough, all of the above can be done from where I am currently: snuggled in my patchwork quilt on a leather recliner, with my cup of tea right beside me, tissues at the ready. And the ‘flu means I have a very good excuse to stay exactly there.

So what are you guys reading?

Masque On Tour

Well, Masque is going on a book blog tour from March15-29. I’ve agreed to go along as chaperone, so if you see us out and about, say hi! If you’re a blogger and/or interested in signing up for the tour, the details are here: Enchanted Book Promotions Masque Blog Tour. I’ll post a schedule and further details a couple days before the tour kicks off.


Strong Female Leads

I’m very definite about what I like in characters. I will very often put down a book without reading all the way through if I don’t like the main character/s, and I’ve been known to verbally remonstrate with TV characters who are doing stupid things. This holds true for all characters, but is more stringently applied to female lead characters I read/watch (mostly because I’m female and dislike seeing females made ridiculous without good reason. Men can mostly be as ridiculous as they like without upsetting me unduly).

If the female lead is, for example: a) Always relying upon the hero to save her, b) Always belittling/snarking at the hero, c) Making stupid decisions because the book/movie needs it for angst/danger, d) Always having sex because she’s a strong female lead who don’t need no man/rules/standards ETC, ETC, ETC-


(Actually, I won’t: I’ll probably just make a face and donate it to the op-shop/bin/a friend. But still. Ya get me. If I get really hot under the collar, I’ll compose snarky reviews in my head that will never see the light of a computer.)

There’s a lot of angst about Strong Female Leads. Someone is always trying to make sure that movies have enough Strong Female Leads, or that a book has a Strong Female Lead. It’s one of those things that you’re forever hearing about on the ‘net. I mean forever. There are tantrums and jumpings up and down, and accusations of misogyny etc, clouding the air and making things generally difficult to see.

I’ll admit, I used to roll my eyes about it a lot. (Actually, I still do at some of the more tantrum-like outbursts.) And then, the matter having been brought to my attention, I started noticing stuff.

It was most often in movies. (Books have weak, annoying, and/or stereotypical female leads, but they have an equal amount of weak, annoying and/or stereotypical male leads.) I’d be watching a movie, enjoying it more or less depending upon which one it was, and then BAM- there was a female lead wearing next to nothing. FOR NO REASON. Cos, trust me, if you’re a ninja/knight/samurai/whatever, you’re gonna want as much body surface covered. The male counterpart would be fully clothed. And then the female lead would fall/trip/get bashed and have to be rescued by one of the blokes for the seemingly sole purpose of being clutched to the well muscled chest of whichever one happened to save her.

So basically, the female lead was there for looks, and for the rush that the male ego gets for having saved a damsel in distress. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a female in a movie/book having to be rescued. But when it’s already established that she’s apparently the best/strongest/fastest, it’s really annoying to find that she has to be saved by the male of the piece simply because she’s female.

That’s not cool. It’s not cool to see female characters used in tv shows/movies simply for the purpose of eye candy. It’s not cool to see them always berating and/or sleeping with the male counterpart simply to prove that they’re a strong female lead who don’t need no man. C’mmon dudes, there has to be some middle ground here. And it’d be kinda nice to see female action figures, too (I’m looking at you Avengers. Yanno, while I’m on the subject).

It’d just be nice to see more interesting, reasonable females (action movies, I’m looking at you) who have their own stories and react to events/people/etc on their own terms and not merely with relation to the storyline of the main male character. I love action movies, but they’re the ones most guilty of female stereotyping (yeah, Taken.  I love you, but Liam Neeson’s wife needed to be murdered a lot sooner).

That’s all. That’s all I’m asking.

What Makes Good Cover Art?

What makes good cover art? Well, that depends a lot upon whom you ask. I’d advise against asking me: if there’s one thing I’ve learned as an Indie Publisher, it’s that I have absolutely no talent whatsoever when it comes to art. I’d show you some of the stuff I drew as a kid, only I don’t want to scare you.

So what’s a talentless, artless writer to do? Commission a cover, of course. I looked through a LOT of premade covers when I was ready to publish A Time-Traveller’s Best Friend, and was fortunate enough to come across one created by Margo Weissman that was exactly what I wanted.

Ain't it purty?

Ain’t it purty?

I wasn’t so lucky when it came to covers for my Two Monarchies Sequence. At the time, I had three books in the sequence almost ready to go: Masque, which was ready but for an edit, Wolfskin, which is in much the same boat now, and Spindle, which requires about 40 000 more words until it’s ready for revision. Oddly enough, I found the cover for Spindle first. Not even finished, and it was the only MS I could find anything suitable for. I found it on the flickr page of Joleene Naylor, a rejected custom cover that was perfect from the second I laid eyes on it. I don’t know why someone rejected it, but I can only thank their stupidity from the bottom of my heart, because it was exactly what I wanted without knowing what it was that I did want.

I mean, c'mmon- it's GORGEOUS

I mean, c’mmon- it’s GORGEOUS

After I had the cover for Spindle, I was on slightly firmer ground. Jo had agreed to do a few more covers for me (much to my relief) and it was now a matter of simply finding the right photos/artwork for her to work with. Simple, right?

Yeah, no. The hours I spent on Canstock/Istock/whatever, ladies and gentlemen. The flamin’ hours. Because, you see, if a shot has the perfect face or pose, you can guarantee that it won’t be a full body shot when you need a full body shot. Or the perfect shot will be there, within your grasp, when you learn that it will be ridiculously expensive to get your hot little hands on it. And so back to the drawing board.

And that’s all before you find out that certain covers will appeal to certain people, and that certain other covers won’t. In a word, marketability. Fortunately, I have friends. I say that both to boast (yerp, ladies and gentlemen, I am a writer who has friends) and to point out that without them to stop me when I wanted to use something that definitely didn’t fit my book, I would have ended up with some very bad covers.

So before I end up waffling for this entire post without ever making my point: what does make good cover art? I will leave you with the vastly erudite answer of It depends. It depends on what your book is about. It depends on who your readers are. In short, good cover art is a very difficult thing to attain, since what one person will love, another will absolutely hate. All I can say is, it helps to get other opinions. It helps even more if those people have read your book. There will be differences of opinion, but you can guarantee that there will be that one piece of artwork that will make them all go ‘Oooooh! That’s it!’ And that moment is worth all the work it took to get you there.

Shout out to Joleene Naylor, Margo Wiessman, and all the other awesome artists out there; because without you guys, we’d be lost.

And let me know what you think. What makes good cover art? What are some of your favourite covers?

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