Meet the Artist: Ink Blotted Beka

Good morning everyone! As usual, it’s been a heck of a long time since I’ve blogged (sorry pardon, I’m trying to get back into the habit, but it seems that only bad habits stick, with me…)

Today’s blog is to introduce Ink Blotted Beka, an artist who has just opened up to commissions! Whoop whoop, congrats and all that!

(Don’t forget to read ’til the end of the blog post, because you can win a free character drawing!)

I first met Beka online, where she told me that she’d read some of my books and had been busy making fan art. Of course, I was delighted (I love fan art–I love getting to see how other people view my characters!), but when Beka sent me originals of that art, I was even more delighted!

I love the way she uses bright colours, and I love the scenes she chooses, but I also love her pencil-and-pen works. As a matter of fact, apart from the fan art Beka has done for me, this is one of my favourite pieces of hers:

My very own gallery at home, featuring Annabel (and a bit of Isabella’s skirt) from Staff & Crown, Jack and Mabel from Playing Hearts, and Pet and her psychos from The City Between series:

…and last but certainly not least, one that isn’t in my gallery but is one of my faves–Isabella, caught en deshabille, so to speak!

As of this week, Beka is open to commissions, so you can have your own gallery!

Creator Bio:

Beka hails from the Great White North (aka Canada), where she reads, dreams, and doodles away. She loves bringing characters from the written page to the visual eye, and dabbles in pencil and coloured pencil and the occasional watercolour. Her dream is to one day get into digital art and save some trees.

You can find Ink Blotted Beka on Facebook and Instagram!


And now, a giveaway! Enter the Rafflecopter here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(You can catch up with the rest of the blog tour, with interviews and such, HERE.)

Good luck to everyone, and especially good luck to Ink Blotted Beka! We believe in you!


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