Writer Seeks Adventures in Local Tasmania

One of the most joyful things about life as a full time writer is the fact that I can travel whenever I feel like it (sensible finance managing-contingent, of course). If I want to travel halfway across this little island to stay in a cabin on top of Cradle Mountain and then travel an hour further to ride a train from the 50s through the Tasmanian rainforest, I can.

So obviously, I’m going to. I don’t know when, but since it’s only about four hours’ drive from here, I don’t have to do too much planning.

I can also jaunt across to Melbourne in a month’s time (cheap flights? heck yes!) to have spinsterly adventures with Suzannah Rowntree, fellow spinster and amazon-esque word warrior. I CAN VISIT TEA HOUSES AND NARNIA CAFES, PEOPLE. I can write and eat delicious food at the same time.

Best of all, I can go back to South Korea early next year and explore all the places I didn’t get to explore this year. (So if you guys still have recs of where to go over there, lob them at me again!)

In the meantime, though, I want to explore more places around Tasmania. So if you guys have any places to suggest that you’d like to see pics of as I travel through, feel free to mention them. I’ll be making a few day trips around Tassie every now and then so that I can learn more about the place where I live, as well as other more exotic areas of the world.

Obviously a revisit of Port Arthur is on the cards, as is a trip to PennyRoyal World, but otherwise, I’m wide open! Travel vicariously through me!

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