W.R. on Holiday!

Technically, I’m not yet on holiday. That’s next month. But I’ve finally finished the first draft of CLOCKWORK MAGICIAN (only 2 months late, whoohoo!) so it’s holiday time!

Which means that I’m up for some serious downtime this week! W.R. on holidays likes to read all the books that W.R. at work doesn’t have the time or mental space for; I’ve already got a pile of books and a few ebooks ready to go. And, like the good little student I am, I’ve already asked my Korean tutor for a webtoon rec so I can expand my fun to my studies as well.

W.R. on holidays also means W.R. having fun with short stories: I’m planning to finish up a short story this week to send out in the newsletter at the end of the week. Fans of the City Between series in general and Detective Tuatu in particular should expect to be made Very Happy. I’ll do a limited time release of the short on my blog here before it goes in a compilation of all the Short Things from the City Between universe thus far and goes up on Amazon for sale, so make sure to read it when you see it!

Are we having fun yet? Don’t know about you blokes, but I definitely am!

a nice mix…
current webtoon 😀

Suddenly, a Book!

You blokes know I’ve been struggling to get the latest Between book out there in preorder status due to my cover artist unavoidably being out of office a fair bit over the last month. Despite that, she worked right up until the Thanksgiving holiday and produced a gorgeous cover for Between Homes (you can see it below).

So of course, instead of creating a preorder for a tiny period of five days, I just went ahead and published it out of hand. Which means if you’ve been waiting for book five of the City Between series, you can buy it now! Just click on the book cover below…

Happy reading, and for all my American readers, Happy Thanksgiving/Happy Holidays!

G’day. I’m Pet. Not, not Pet–I am a pet.

Well, I was a pet: I used to belong to two fae and a stroppy vampire. Now I’m homeless. I mean, I was always technically homeless, but this time it’s different.

I just got used to having some kind of family, and now we’re back to everyone wanting to kill each other–and guess who the weak link is?

I’ll give you a hint: it’s not the vampire, and it’s sure as heck not the fae.

Between Audiobooks

If you guys are subscribed to my email newsletter, you already know that books 3 & 4 in the City Between series have come out in audio format at last!

Tantor bought the rights closer to the start of the year, but obviously audiobook production is a fair bit of work and takes a bit of time, so BETWEEN FRAMES just released yesterday. If you’ve been waiting to listen to the next two books, now is your time!

Bear in mind that if you want to see more audiobooks in the series made, reviews and requests on Audible.com and Amazon will definitely help that to go through much sooner. I go through a publisher (Tantor) for these ones, and if you guys are asking, Tantor will be listening! See below for covers, links, and blurbs…

Between Jobs

When you get up in the morning, the last thing you expect to see is a murdered guy hanging outside your window. Things like that tend to draw the attention of the local police, and when you’re squatting in your parents’ old house until you can afford to buy it, another thing you can’t afford is the attention of the cops.

Oh yeah. Hi. My name is Pet. It’s not my real name, but it’s the only one you’re getting. Things like names are important these days. 

And it’s not so much that I’m Pet. I am a pet. A human pet: I belong to the two Behindkind fae and the pouty vampire who just moved into my house.

It’s not weird, I promise – well, it is weird, yeah. But it’s not weird weird, you know?

Between Shifts

There’s a body beneath the skip bins. Fae on the forklift. A vampire in the manager’s office. And there’s definitely something skeevy going on in the locker rooms. 

Hi. I’m Pet. Well, not exactly Pet. I am a pet. 

I was meant to stay out of it, but somebody’s gotta do something when humans are being killed by Behindkind creatures. 

Lucky for me, my owners are just as dangerous and inhuman as the bad guys…maybe more.

Between Floors

I’m not supposed to push through the boundaries of reality without supervision. I’m definitely not meant to drag a cop Between with me. 

But stuff happens, you know? 

Hi. I’m Pet. Well, not Pet, exactly. I am a pet. 

Nothing too hard; I just cook and clean for the Behindkind who took over my house. Easy. But now one of my owners has gone missing. He’s fae, so it shouldn’t worry me, but if there’s something out there that can kidnap fae, I don’t wanna meet it. 

Good thing I’ve got another two owners and a spare cop up my sleeve…

Between Frames

Two fae is company, but a company of fae is trouble.

Which is exactly what we’ve got. Trouble, I mean. Well, and fae. Lots of fae.

Something or someone is stalking and killing high-level fae around Hobart-tearing out hearts and leaving a trail of bloody bodies behind. Fae don’t like it when they’re the ones getting killed, so of course they came to hire my owners.

Owners, you ask?

Hi. I’m Pet. No, that’s not my name. I am a pet.

My owners? They’re fae. Well, two fae and one stroppy vampire.

Welcome to the world Between.

Did someone say “City Between Merch”…?

So. City Between merch. Several people have asked about it in the year or so since BETWEEN JOBS came out, but it seemed like a really difficult thing to make happen.

So I did what I usually do when I come across a difficult thing–I poked a toe in the water and edged myself in little by little.

If we’re following this metaphor to the grim death, that puts me at about waist deep right now. By which I mean that I’ve commissioned some artwork that I intend to make into real merch (t-shirts, mugs, totes, pens, enamel pins, patches, stickers, bookmarks etc…) and will be commissioning some more in the near future.

You can check out the watermarked artwork below: let me know if there’s a specific type of swag you want to see, and I’ll try to make it happen!

Love the spindly black lines/colour blurt thing!
City Between Coffee Club!
(BYOS: bring your own sword)
I mean, would the merch be complete without Pet’s catch cry?
The pen is mightier than the sword, but what about a pen with a sword on it?
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