So. City Between merch. Several people have asked about it in the year or so since BETWEEN JOBS came out, but it seemed like a really difficult thing to make happen.
So I did what I usually do when I come across a difficult thing–I poked a toe in the water and edged myself in little by little.
If we’re following this metaphor to the grim death, that puts me at about waist deep right now. By which I mean that I’ve commissioned some artwork that I intend to make into real merch (t-shirts, mugs, totes, pens, enamel pins, patches, stickers, bookmarks etc…) and will be commissioning some more in the near future.
You can check out the watermarked artwork below: let me know if there’s a specific type of swag you want to see, and I’ll try to make it happen!

(BYOS: bring your own sword)

Definitely shirts and mugs and tote bags. I’ll tale a shirt and mug of the Flaming Heck and a tote of the tea and weapons.
I like the coffee club in a tote! Would it say City Between Coffee Club?
I’m thinking of doing both–one with the words, one without
Any chance of a little dryad appearing somewhere? I need all the help I can get! Or going in the other direction – how about some sneaky homicidal goblins? Maybe in the next round of artwork? I can just see them drawn in your chosen style. I can’t wait to see your range when it’s available, or the next instalment of Pet’s story come to that! I fell in love with Hobart when I visited a couple of years ago, and your books are a real treat. ..Keep them coming please!
Ooooh, I’ll have to work a dryad into the next lot of artwork, for sure! Fantastic idea! I’m hoping to do some work on getting my range out and about when I’m in edits for BETWEEN HOMES and things are less rushed, but we’ll see… There should definitely be something out before Christmas, though!
I love all these but especially the side by side sword/umbrella! Maybe a small journal or notebook?
Definitely need notebooks!
I think a heat changing coffee cup would be fun. While empty it might show a cityscape, perhaps a simple b&w line drawing of one. Add warm beverage, and the colorful creatures emerge: dryads, mermen, and all the rest.
I would LOVE to do something like that! alas, I am still very much figuring out how to do the simplest of things and am not entirely sure how I would go about it. It’s definitely on my list for stuff I want to do in the next year, tho!
Is any merch available yet? I so want a flaming heck tshirt for Christmas.
Loving Between Cases btw!
i’m so sorry, i’m an awful person who forgot to reply to this…
you can get the t-shirt here:
Yes!!! Thank you!